The original pream/amp module that came with my soundsystem worked, but it was extremely basic, and the mutes for bass & tops didn’t work.

Of course, being an obsessive nerd, I decided to design and build my own version of it.

I found that there’s a lot of inexpensive audio modules that run at 12vdc, and are easy to interconnect. I bought several, and started experimenting. One of the things I wanted to do was have switches to mute the bass & tops, and some nice vintage-style VU meters.
The faceplate started life as a design on paper. I tried to match the layout of the modules, which despite appearances varied between each one. I don’t think there’s a lot of consistency in how these are designed and manufactured.

Once I had a design, I sent it off to a sign shop, and they sent it back about a week later. It’s thin aluminum over plastic, with a 4 color print. I was happy with the end product, but it proved a little difficult to drill without tearing. I don’t know that I’ll use this same method in the future. It’s also pretty scratch-prone.

The finished product worked pretty well! I was happy with what I had ended up with, but it definitely was a first try.

Next version of what I’m calling the “system controller” is well underway. It will be a 3-way preamp, with sweepable frequencies, and have 2x 100w stereo amps for the tops & mids, and 150w mono amp for the bass. I’ve also upped the power to 19v 10a, so I should be able to drive the amplifiers better.